case study


Established in 2019, Dromader is a Poland-based company specialising in designing comfortable, secure, and user-friendly baby carriers. Since its inception, Dromader has demonstrated steady growth. By joining Amazon's FBA program, they aimed to diversify their revenue streams and expand their market reach

Talk to our team
Marketplaces managed
Presence in 10 marketplaces across the Amazon network
Days with TurnKey FBA
Onboarded on August 2023
Average growth in PPC sales
Achieved an average growth in PPC sales of 450%
YoY changes in ACOS
Reduced ACOS by 60% year over year
Started in 2019, Dromader originated as a Poland based company that designs comfortable, secure, and user-friendly baby carriers
Our roles
  • Account Management
  • International Market Expansion
  • Product Listing Optimisation
  • Graphic Design
  • Copywriting and Localisation
  • PPC Management
  • Brand Storefront
Our challenges
  • Difficulty in finding supported agencies: Dromader faced challenges and dissatisfaction with previous agencies and was searching for a suitable team with Amazon expertise to assist them in their Amazon journey
  • Business expansion: Unfamiliar with the Amazon market and not relying on it as their primary revenue stream, Dromader sought to expand their presence on Amazon to diversify their selling channels
  • Brand strategy: Dromader aimed to differentiate their brand in the baby products category, enhance revenue per unique visitor, and maximise the value of each interaction
Account Management
  • Open a US Amazon account to support Dromader’s international expansion
  • Conduct Account Health checks, including managing feedback and consulting on competitive pricing
  • Develop a strategic roadmap tailored to Dromader’s goals and market objectives
  • Implement strategies to enhance sales and operational efficiency on Amazon
International Market Expansion
  • Leverage data from Helium 10, JungleScout, and other tools to effectively plan US expansion
  • Implement a revised pricing strategy to manage exchange rate fluctuations and ensure profitability in the US market
  • Optimise international shipping and reduce costs through our extensive network and expertise
  • Facilitate international expansion procedures, including regulatory registrations and logistics setup
Product Listing Optimisation
  • Improve product titles, bullet points, and A+ content to emphasise key aspects like age range and special features
  • Use engaging images and instructional videos to provide detailed product information on size and function
  • Implement an efficient SKU system to streamline inventory management
  • Optimise listings comprehensively to boost visibility and sales performance
Graphic Design
  • Conceptualise lifestyle photography featuring family activities like hiking and bonding with baby carriers
  • Create engaging A+ graphics and infographics to address customer pain points
  • Optimise image listings with up to 9 photos and 1 video per product
  • Conduct strategic main image CTR optimisations to identify effective listing angles
Copywriting and Localisation
  • Develop compelling A+ content and infographics that cater to customer lifestyle needs
  • Blend SEO phrases seamlessly to boost sales and conversions while maintaining clear, branded messaging
  • Tailor content to regional preferences and cultural differences, ensuring relevance in various international markets
  • Localise copy to maximise engagement and clarity for diverse audiences
PPC Management
  • Launch PPC campaigns to penetrate the US market, optimising keywords for higher conversion rates and lower ACoS
  • Target competitors and relevant keywords to boost click-through rates with Sponsored Product Ads
  • Place Sponsored Display Ads strategically in high-converting categories for prime search result placements
  • Use competitive keywords in Sponsored Brand Ads to enhance brand visibility and awareness
Brand Storefront
  • Create a storefront that highlights Dromader's core values: Discovery, Conquest, and Natural Living
  • Develop a compelling narrative focused on family bonding and the practical benefits of baby carriers
  • Aim to improve search rankings and increase conversion rates by inspiring customers with an engaging story
  • Facilitate effective cross-selling within the portfolio through a customer-centric brand story
